An expert group advising the Government on reducing inequalities has been disbanded by Labour.
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority expects to be boosted by the integrated, departmental-...
Auditor Bishop Fleming has been forced to walk away from a third council after re-appraising the ...
Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s former chief of staff Sue Gray will not take up a role as envoy to ...
Thousands of youngsters were placed in council care more than 20 miles away from their home last ...
The Government’s housing and regeneration agency Homes England has announced chair Peter Freeman ...
South Cambridgeshire DC is holding back from permanently adopting a four-day working week despite...
The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities has called on Holyrood to pass on Whitehall cash due...
Debt-laden Thurrock Council has threatened to sue other councils as it legally goes after the Ass...
The boss of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has dismissed calls...
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