Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Local elections 2021: 'A disastrous election for Labour'

By Dan Peters | 07 May 2021

Labour has an 'identity crisis' after 'disastrous' local elections, opponents have claimed.

Smart cities could be targeted by hackers, experts warn

By Laura Sharman | 07 May 2021

Local authorities have been given expert guidance to help protect their smart cities from cyber a...

Climate change efforts hindered by 'broken' system, warns report

By Laura Sharman | 04 May 2021

Local government efforts to tackle climate change are being held back by a ‘broken’ national syst...

Pandemic made councils 'more responsive' to charities, survey finds

By Laura Sharman | 22 April 2021

The pandemic has helped improve the relationships and collaboration between local authorities and...

Think-tank calls for reform of 'regressive' council tax in Scotland

By Laura Sharman | 12 April 2021

Council tax in Scotland should be increased to the same levels as the rest of the UK, a think-tan...

Public backs more city devolution

By Laura Sharman | 09 April 2021

More than eight in 10 people support more devolution to England’s largest cities, a new poll has ...

Figures show rise in sexual and criminal exploitation under lockdown

By Laura Sharman | 07 April 2021

Criminal and sexual exploitation has risen ‘dramatically’ during the pandemic, new data has warne...

Domestic abuse victims facing 'unfair lottery' of support

By MJ Editor | 06 April 2021

Victims of domestic abuse are not getting the help they need due to 'significant' gaps in support...

Levelling up funding is 'poorly targeted' report warns

By Laura Sharman | 25 March 2021

There are 6.5 million people living in deprived local authorities that will not be helped by the ...

'Beveridge report for children' launched

By Laura Sharman | 16 March 2021

A ‘once-in-a-generation review’ of the future of childhood has been launched by the Children’s Co...