Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Union calls for pensions law change

By Laura Sharman | 11 May 2016

UK law should be changed to incorporate a European directive that stresses councils have the powe...

Labour keeps control of key councils

By Dan Peters | 05 May 2016

Labour has managed to keep control of more council seats than the Conservatives, according to the...

Government reassurance after pensions petition

By Laura Sharman | 20 April 2016

Councils will not be forced to invest their pension funds into infrastructure schemes, the Govern...

Law firm's water warning after court verdict

By Laura Sharman | 18 April 2016

Local authorities could owe residents millions of pounds in overpaid water bills, a law firm has ...

East Dorset to look again at unitary option

By Laura Sharman | 15 April 2016

East Dorset DC has softened its opposition to exploring the possibility of a unitary council for ...

Further government defeat on housing Bill

By Laura Sharman | 14 April 2016

Lords have voted for a Parliamentary check before councils are forced to give the money raised fr...

Unison comes out for Bremain

By Laura Sharman | 14 April 2016

Leaving the European Union (EU) could see council staff losing workplace rights such as paid holi...

New digital standard 'big step forward'

By Laura Sharman | 08 April 2016

The new Local Government Digital Service Standard has been hailed as a ‘big step forward’ for the...

Opposition grows against council pension plans

By Laura Sharman | 05 April 2016

A petition calling for a parliamentary debate on plans to force local government pension schemes ...

Retiring chief's unitary shake-up call

By Laura Sharman | 21 March 2016

The retiring chief executive of Buckinghamshire CC, Chris Williams, has called for the ‘wholesale...