Author Profile

James Evison

Articles by James Evison

Concerns raised over Birmingham's funds

By James Evison | 27 March 2013

Concerns raised on the state of Birmingham City Council's finances following an annual audit by a...

Hanham: councils must show the way out of 'silo mentality'

By James Evison | 27 March 2013

Business as usual is not an option and local government can lead radical change applicable across...

Scots housing report seeks improvement

By James Evison | 27 March 2013

Future demand for social housing in Scotland is not being met, according to a new report.

DCLG slams NAO housing report

By James Evison | 27 March 2013

NAO report urging review of New Homes Bonus scheme criticised as unfair by housing minister, Mark...

IfG: civil service reform 'creates tension'

By James Evison | 26 March 2013

A new report has fuelled concern about the impartiality of the civil service under cabinet minist...

High streets hampered by 'incompetent councils', peer claims

By James Evison | 22 March 2013

‘Incompetent’ councils are killing the high street, according to Tory peer and chief of retail st...

Exclusive: Councils demand tax freedom

By Jonathan Werran | 28 February 2013

The 'overwhelming' majority of local authorities want the freedom to increase council tax, resear...

Public sector does not earn more than private, says report

By James Evison | 27 February 2013

Comparing public and private sector pay create a false impression, according to new research.

Moodys downgrades five UK councils' credit ratings

By James Evison | 27 February 2013

Five local authorities see their credit ratings downgraded by Moody's, following the agency's dec...

Cornwall chief to leave for New Zealand

By James Evison | 02 January 2013

Reports in New Zealand newspapers suggest Cornwall CC chief executive Kevin Lavery is to leave hi...