Author Profile

Dominic Browne

Articles by Dominic Browne

Pickles unveils £250m weekly bin plan

By Dominic Browne | 30 September 2011

Eric Pickles unveils a £250m fund for local councils to re-introduce weekly bin collections.

Westminster housing policy to reward employed

By Dominic Browne | 29 September 2011

Westminster Council announce plans to prioritise those in work for two years or more when applyi...

Capita snaps up service support firms for £55m

By Dominic Browne | 28 September 2011

Public sector giant, Capita, has bought two sector support services companies worth a total of £55m.

Ministers back localism but 'will have final say'

By Dominic Browne | 28 September 2011

Government outlines its commitment to decentralisation in two recent reports - but advised ‘minis...

Assembly minister timetables Welsh council reform agenda

By Dominic Browne | 28 September 2011

Welsh Assembly local government minister Carl Sargeant announces new framework for council reform.

Plans for radical staff move hit by drop-outs

By Dominic Browne | 28 September 2011

Withdrawal of Glasgow and three other authorities jeopardise plans to merge thousands of staff ac...

'No progress' in pension talks, TUC reveals

By Dominic Browne | 22 September 2011

Brendan Barber,reveals that little progress has been made in avoiding national strike action.

City teams up for innovative plans to transform services

By Dominic Browne | 21 September 2011

Leeds City Council has joined with other local authorities and national experts to find ways to t...

Pay cuts 'will damage employers' credibility'

By Dominic Browne | 21 September 2011

Cuts to workers’ basic pay and conditions risk doing damaging local authorities’ credibility as e...

Empty properties to face extra tax, Stunell announces

By Dominic Browne | 21 September 2011

Councils could be given new powers to charge extra council tax on empty homes, communities minist...