It has been revealed equal pay claims by staff at Brighton and Hove City Council has cost more th...
A senior MP has warned national and regional transport objectives could be threatened by a lack o...
The Department for Transport has revealed Local authorities directly benefiting from the HS2 proj...
Cumbria CC’s cabinet today rejected proposals to store nuclear waste underground in the county by...
Nationwide pilot schemes for universal credits have revealed 'a lot to be worried about', a cross...
The prime minister will make the case for the £33bn High Speed Rail 2 project being an engine for...
Former local government minister Bob Neill reignites the debate over local government standards r...
The MJ can reveal East London councils have not prepared for extra eastern European migration nex...
Money devolved to local authorities for public health should be non-ringfenced in the future, min...
Developer John Laing Plc has announced it will no longer bid for new local asset-backed vehicle (...
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