Author Profile

Richard Stokoe

Articles by Richard Stokoe

Unitaries are not an everywhere panacea

By Richard Stokoe | 04 October 2022

Based on his experience of living in Cornwall, Richard Stokoe concludes the current rural unitary...

Time to ditch the Assembly

By Richard Stokoe | 30 June 2021

After 21 years, Richard Stokoe argues that the London Assembly is failing in its duty to hold the...

11 steps to ensuring outstanding internal comms

By Richard Stokoe | 14 April 2020

The importance to councils of outstanding internal communications cannot be underestimated during...

A nine-point guide to COVID-19 crisis communications

By Richard Stokoe | 31 March 2020

Communications has often been seen as a luxury, says Richard Stokoe – but this time it is ‘at the...

The trouble with social policy 'evidence'

By Richard Stokoe | 13 March 2019

In making the case for more cash to improve public health based on its ‘evidence of what works’, ...

Dealing with disaster

By Richard Stokoe | 04 July 2017

Disaster management expert Richard Stokoe considers what went wrong in Kensington & Chelsea after...

Disaster planning in a brave new world

By Richard Stokoe | 01 July 2015

New technologies are rapidly changing the nature of disaster management and local authorities mus...