Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Think-tank highlights homes targets failure

By Sam Clayden | 31 August 2016

Developers are failing to build enough homes despite councils granting permission at a rate suffi...

Leader launches attack after rejecting NHS plan

By Sam Clayden | 31 August 2016

A council leader has claimed local authorities are being ‘held to ransom’ by the NHS as he reject...

Major increase in temporary housing take-up revealed

By Sam Clayden | 31 August 2016

The number of households forced into temporary accommodation has soared by more than a third in t...

Elected mayor speculation continues

By Sam Clayden | 31 August 2016

The Government was this week battling to persuade the sector it remains committed to devolution a...

Inverclyde director promoted to chief executive

By Sam Clayden | 26 August 2016

Inverclyde Council has appointed senior director Aubrey Fawcett as its new chief executive.

LGA demands academy auditing powers

By Sam Clayden | 25 August 2016

Councils want to claw back control of school auditing responsibilities as leaders challenge White...

Hold-up of controversial scheme 'issue of timing not policy'

By Sam Clayden | 25 August 2016

Holyrood remains ‘firmly committed’ to its controversial named person policy despite its implemen...

WMCA receives first cash boost

By Sam Clayden | 24 August 2016

New communities secretary Sajid Javid has announced the transfer of the first cash injection to t...

Director to 'captain' South Somerset DC

By Sam Clayden | 23 August 2016

Eastleigh BC's corporate director has been confirmed as South Somerset DC's next boss.

Bristol mayor urged to confront PM after voluntary redundancy offer

By Sam Clayden | 23 August 2016

Bristol’s mayor has been urged to confront the prime minister over the city council’s ‘dire finan...