Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Councils resisting call to use reserves

By Sam Clayden | 13 January 2016

A leading finance expert has attacked government suggestions that the four-year settlement means ...

Why it's time to speak with a single voice

By Sam Clayden | 12 January 2016

As respected academic Colin Copus launched a Councillor Commission, De Montfort University’s Loca...

Dawes: Councils will be able to set legal budgets

By Sam Clayden | 12 January 2016

The Department for Communities and Local Government's (DCLG) permanent secretary has said she exp...

Report: LGPS rapidly running out of cash

By Sam Clayden | 11 January 2016

The local government pension scheme (LGPS) is rapidly running out of cash to pay for pensions, a ...

DCLG has done 'no thinking' on rates retention details

By Sam Clayden | 08 January 2016

A prominent government finance figure has admitted the Department of Communities and Local Govern...

Labour calls for VAT and income tax devolution

By Sam Clayden | 08 January 2016

The shadow local government minister has revealed Labour policy for radical fiscal devolution, in...

Social care precept will 'tie authorities in knots'

By Sam Clayden | 07 January 2016

The 2% social care tax precept will create unnecessary bureaucracy, a respected finance director ...

Four-year settlement is 'pain today and jam tomorrow'

By Sam Clayden | 06 January 2016

A prominent council treasurer has insisted the ‘U’ shape of the four-year local government settle...

Clark: four-year deal should spark reserves raids

By Sam Clayden | 06 January 2016

Communities secretary Greg Clark has suggested that the four-year settlement offered to authoriti...

District leaders rip into rates appeal proposals

By Sam Clayden | 05 January 2016

District council leaders have urged the Government to radically reduce the proposed three-year ti...