Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Essex CC names new chief executive

By Sam Clayden | 13 October 2015

Essex CC has appointed Swindon BC boss Gavin Jones as the county’s new chief executive.

Government should team with businesses on planning

By Sam Clayden | 13 October 2015

The British Property Federation (BPF) has called on the Government to work with the private secto...

Northamptonshire leader pushes for funding overhaul

By Sam Clayden | 09 October 2015

Northamptonshire CC have called for changes to funding mechanisms in the face of a massive oversp...

Cameron told councils not a 'barrier' on schools

By Sam Clayden | 08 October 2015

Council leaders have insisted local authorities should remain at the heart of the school system a...

Fears Cameron's housing overhaul will 'dry up' council stock

By Sam Clayden | 07 October 2015

David Cameron's shake up of housing rules will 'dry up' council housing stock, according to a sen...

Smaller cities passed-over in devo deals

By Sam Clayden | 07 October 2015

Devolution of powers to smaller, faster-growing cities is being overlooked in favour of larger, p...

Lord Adonis' appointment is 'for the greater good'

By Sam Clayden | 05 October 2015

A policy adviser for The Infrastructure Forum (TIF) believes the appointment of Lord Adonis as ch...

Cuts could lead to more children in custody

By Sam Clayden | 02 October 2015

The number of children in custody could increase if plans to reduce funding for youth offending t...

Devolution should deliver social justice

By Sam Clayden | 01 October 2015

Newcastle council leader Nick Forbes has insisted devolution should deliver social justice follow...

Councils escape deprivation list

By Sam Clayden | 30 September 2015

Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Haringey and Newham LBCs have become less deprived over the last five yea...