Why do we not see someone from SOLACE on Newsnight batting for the sector in the way Sir Stephen ...
Local government will maintain a strong credit rating despite spending cuts, according to a top r...
The MJ is supporting a new sustainable cities event being held in Leeds in the autumn.
As ministers return from their holiday, Michael Burton looks at what potential banana skins await...
Children's services face a huge hike in costs as latest figures show a record number of children ...
Michael Burton looks at how the past week has been one of the most eventful in the coalition gove...
Vince Cable took a potshot at UK cities today when he claimed they were less productive than the ...
Cities are in a fiercely-competitive global market, says Michael Burton.
Michael Burton shares his thoughts on the reception held at No.10 Downing St for elected mayors.
Prime minister David Cameron today pledged to set up a Cabinet of directly-elected mayors and cha...
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