The levelling up agenda should focus on improving economic and social wellbeing rather than infra...
The historic abuse of looked-after children in Lambeth LBC is about the worst example of what hap...
Local authorities were responsible for 8.8% of all personal data breaches reported to the Informa...
There could be dancing in the aisles at The MJ’s awards gala lunch on September 17 – for former S...
The public finances improved last month as economic activity picked up though debt remains at a r...
In principle, focusing on housing design quality is a good idea, says Michael Burton. 'But counci...
The Government should ‘dig deep’ by investing £14bn to help reduce child poverty and improve soci...
A new study warns of looming unfunded risks to the public finances from climate change to adult c...
The threat of high levels of prudential borrowing by councils for commercial property investments...
New rules on the awarding of subsidies by local authorities to businesses have been unveiled to M...
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