Adele Taylor says she has been fortunate in her career to be advised and mentored by senior offi...
Adele Taylor discusses the boundless possibilities offered by grant-finding tools.
We need to be engaging in a better way with local businesses in our areas so they understand how ...
An 'extremely long piece of paper' helped her finance team to understand 'what an integral part t...
In the context of the current funding risks and uncertainty, councils need to be thinking even mo...
Cherwell DC bought the existing shopping centre in Banbury and the site for a new leisure and ret...
Adele Taylor says the impressive results of a LEAN approach to eliminating waste show that involv...
We are lurching towards schemes where we can deliver something good or extra just because there i...
Finance 'needs to be a visible force' as planning begins for beyond 2020, says Adele Taylor.
Adele Taylor explains why a medium-term financial strategy is still important for councils, despi...
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