Author Profile

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor is interim executive director of finance and Governance at Cherwell and South Northamptonshire

Articles by Adele Taylor

Banbury broadens its offer for residents

By Adele Taylor | 28 May 2019

Cherwell DC bought the existing shopping centre in Banbury and the site for a new leisure and ret...

Letting teams redesign their own way to success

By Adele Taylor | 28 May 2019

Adele Taylor says the impressive results of a LEAN approach to eliminating waste show that involv...

We need sustainable funding

By Adele Taylor | 23 April 2019

We are lurching towards schemes where we can deliver something good or extra just because there i...

Financial chiefs need to be bridge builders and broadcasters

By Adele Taylor | 06 March 2019

Finance 'needs to be a visible force' as planning begins for beyond 2020, says Adele Taylor.

We still need to plan for the medium-term

By Adele Taylor | 23 January 2019

Adele Taylor explains why a medium-term financial strategy is still important for councils, despi...

Crunching those numbers in super-quick time

By Adele Taylor | 21 November 2018

The skill finance teams need in their DNA is 'to be able to do that quick and dirty analysis almo...

money matters

By Adele Taylor | 15 October 2018

Adele Taylor says the 'so what?' question is a really important one that brings you back to why y...

Our financial futures are in the balance

By Adele Taylor | 02 November 2017

With so many issues being considered that will affect our future funding, the importance of all o...

Setting out our stalls ahead of the Autumn Budget

By Adele Taylor | 13 September 2017

As we move to set our own budgets and medium-term financial plans, we have to remain vigilant to ...

Supporting communities to deliver change

By Adele Taylor | 02 August 2017

Adele Taylor asks how councils can co-operate with those in the community with the ability to del...