Teams are a blend of personalities and attributes that work together in harmony, 'so don’t assume...
Adele Taylor says 'local government can have a reputation for glacial change (unfairly I think), ...
There have been press mentions of possible eye-watering levels of potential fraud from COVID supp...
'Our medium-term financial planning is just that, a plan with many moving parts', says Adele Tayl...
While they might not be enough to bridge the significant gaps in medium-term financial strategies...
During the pandemic, a more flexible approach to assessing the financial benefits of a change wil...
Adele Taylor is proud of local government's response to coronavirus - but the financial plans wil...
In budget-setting and medium-term financial planning you can continue to see local government doi...
Adele Taylor says she has been fortunate in her career to be advised and mentored by senior offi...
Adele Taylor discusses the boundless possibilities offered by grant-finding tools.
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