Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Sell assets to support wider council services

By MJ Correspondent | 11 June 2014

Local government has been urged to get the best value for money it can from its £2.5bn of ‘surplu...

Migration concerns for Scottish councils

By MJ Correspondent | 06 June 2014

Three Scottish local authorities have raised ‘serious concerns’ about projected migration figures...

Lewis dismisses EC calls for council tax revaluation

By MJ Correspondent | 06 June 2014

Local government minister Brandon Lewis has dismissed European Commission calls for a council tax...

Queen's Speech 2014: Council redundancy payouts to be tackled

By MJ Correspondent | 04 June 2014

The ‘revolving door’ culture of big pay-offs for senior public servants taking redundancy will be...

Tories gang up with UKIP and Labour to wrestle control from Lib Dems

By MJ Correspondent | 04 June 2014

A minority Conservative administration propped up by the UKIP and Labour groups has seized contro...

DCLG closes down debate on councillor access to LGPS

By MJ Correspondent | 28 May 2014

The Government has insisted any debate on its decision to exclude councillors from access to the ...

Calls for delay to mayoral vote

By MJ Correspondent | 28 May 2014

Copeland residents have voted in favour of having a directly elected mayor but there are already ...

London Councils to launch CIV company

By MJ Correspondent | 27 May 2014

London Councils is preparing to launch the private limited company that will deliver its collecti...

Funds to save £1.5m using new National LGPS Framework

By MJ Correspondent | 27 May 2014

Three pension funds expect they will save £1.5m after collaborating using the new National Local ...

Report: Good governance will improve pension performance

By MJ Correspondent | 27 May 2014

Local government pension funds with good governance perform better over five and 10 years than th...