Author Profile

Ben Page

Ben Page

Ben Page is global chief executive officer of Ipsos

Articles by Ben Page

'Cakeism' still seems the solution de jour

By Ben Page | 03 August 2022

Strategic hard choices are ones that most Conservatives – but also many voters at large – are hap...

Targeting future opportunities

By Ben Page | 27 June 2022

LGA conference plenary speaker Ben Page looks at the challenges and opportunities for councils in...

The results reinforce the realignment of Britain's electoral geography

By Ben Page | 11 May 2022

Ben Page says 'nationally the Conservatives are hurting, but you wouldn’t bet against them winnin...

The Government should push on fast with reorganisation

By Ben Page | 13 December 2021

Anyone looking at bold plans for the future should bite the bullet on reorganisation and get it d...

It looks likely that councils will continue to live on the thin gruel

By Ben Page | 02 November 2021

Councils are expected to be allowed to increase bills by 2.8% per year, says Ben Page. 'The bad n...

Beautiful, popular, healthy and sustainable new places are what we all want

By Ben Page | 01 July 2021

The public does not feel politicians are doing enough to tackle the housing crisis, says Ben Page...

Voters everywhere tend to feel the centre spends less on their area than elsewhere

By Ben Page | 19 May 2021

One of the underlying challenges of levelling up is just how much economic heavy lifting will ult...

The NHS is sacrosanct – local government not so much

By Ben Page | 08 April 2021

Ben Page says the public is becoming more positive about the future and about both the NHS and Go...

The move to home working poses huge problems

By Ben Page | 22 February 2021

The trend to more working from home looks set to continue post COVID, says Ben Page. 'But it pos...

Local government does a brilliant job in elections

By Ben Page | 11 November 2020

Ben Page 'cannot ever recall a UK election 'like the one Americans are currently fighting over'. ...