Ben Page examines the revival of the inner city and the crucial role local government has playing...
Polls show local government faces a significant challenge in raising public interest in devolutio...
Ipsos MORI's Ben Page examines Osborne's Budget announcements in light of public opinion on devol...
With an Ipos Mori poll suggesting the public are twice as likely to trust councillors over cabine...
As DCLG cuts 30% from its budget, Ben Page asks where the public stands on austerity.
Ben Page analyses George Osborne's latest announcements on business rates and examines whether lo...
Putting aside the increasingly wacky world of Westminster, here’s some good news to think about i...
How would you like to shave £200m from your public health budgets before next April? Ben Page loo...
As local government gets ready for the hard road ahead, Ipsos MORI's latest Perils of Perception ...
The only thing integrated in social care and the NHS is death, writes chief executive of Ipsos MO...
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