Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Neill urges councils to freeze tax

By Jamie Hailstone | 14 February 2012

Bob Neill has written to council leaders in England, urging them to freeze council tax for anothe...

County councils look East for trade boost

By Jamie Hailstone | 14 February 2012

Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk county councils have joined forces to help boost business links with C...

Record number of children taken into care

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 February 2012

A record number of children in England were taken into care last month, according to the latest g...

Plymouth chief executive to stand down

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 February 2012

The chief executive of Plymouth City Council has announced he is stepping down after seven years ...

Every child to be monitored in city's early-years scheme

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 February 2012

Manchester City Council announces plans for a new outreach service,which staff will visit every c...

Free nursery places 'a lottery' claims report

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 February 2012

A national children’s charity has warned of an intensifying postcode lottery for free nursery pla...

Councils must join forces to target youth unemployment

By Jamie Hailstone | 06 February 2012

A new report has called for councils to join forces with other local organisations to tackle the ...

GMB anger at £1bn in uncollected council tax

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 February 2012

The GMB trade union has claimed more than £1bn of council tax and business rates has remained unc...

Ministers revise controversial health Bill

By Jamie Hailstone | 02 February 2012

The Government has published a list of amendments to its highly controversial Health and Social C...

Parties clash over mayor referendum 'shenanigans'

By Jamie Hailstone | 01 February 2012

One of the most senior Liberal Democrats has written to Nick Clegg,asking him to ignore recent'sh...