Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Delight after about-turn over mobility payments

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 December 2011

Charities have welcomed ministers' U-turn over their plan to scrap mobility payments for disabled...

Bournemouth names new chief executive

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 December 2011

Bournemouth Council's executive director for environment and economy, Tony Williams, looks set to...

Mouchel announces £65m loss

By Jamie Hailstone | 01 December 2011

The troubled support services group Mouchel has announced a pre-tax annual loss of almost £65m fo...

Planning reforms have few backers says CPRE

By Jamie Hailstone | 30 November 2011

Campaigners this week claimed that most councils opposed the Government's controversial proposals...

Sefton axes 'inappropriate'deal with Capita Symonds

By Jamie Hailstone | 30 November 2011

Sefton MBC has decided to end its £65m partnership contract with Capita Symonds five years early,...

Large numbers out on strike today over pensions

By Jamie Hailstone | 30 November 2011

Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers are on strike today, 13% of schools open but only ...

Leaked report sparks concerns over another care home group

By Jamie Hailstone | 30 November 2011

A leaked report from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) has cast doubt...

Backing for CSV pilot to help vulnerable families

By Jamie Hailstone | 30 November 2011

A scheme piloted by Community Service Volunteers has been backed by children’s minister, Tim Lou...

No substitute for care home inspection says council bosses

By Jamie Hailstone | 24 November 2011

Council bosses warned care homes must be robustly inspected after damning report by the equalitie...

Localism 'uncertainty' spooks top companies

By Jamie Hailstone | 23 November 2011

The UK managing director of Atkins,blames uncertainty around the localism agenda for the lack of ...