Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Sefton loses care home fees case

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 November 2011

A High Court judge has ruled that Sefton MBC acted illegally when it froze its elderly care home ...

Chief executive apologies over stress caused by cuts

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 November 2011

Birmingham City Council's chief executive has apologised to staff for the stress they are under b...

Foundations laid for Cornerstone

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 November 2011

The Social enterprise being launched by Tim Byles, is planning to invest £1bn in local communities.

'Rattle those collecting tins' Nesta tells sector

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 November 2011

Chief executive of NESTA, calls on schools and hospitals to stop being shy about asking for donat...

LGA calls for curbs on 'bookies'

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 November 2011

The Local Government Association has called for councils to be given more powers to stop high str...

Oxfordshire leader announces he is standing down

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 November 2011

Oxfordshire CC leader, Cllr Keith Mitchell, has announced he will stand down in May 2012, after 1...

Scottish local economic strategies need to improve says watchdog

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 November 2011

Community planning partnerships need to improve their local economic strategies, according to a n...

Town hall chiefs defend their adoption services placements

By Jamie Hailstone | 02 November 2011

Council bosses have defended their track record on adoption, after ministers demanded local autho...

Council bosses defend adoption track record

By Jamie Hailstone | 31 October 2011

Council bosses defend adoption track record after children’s minister Tim Loughton urged local au...

Glasgow's Labour group in disarray says opposition

By Jamie Hailstone | 31 October 2011

Opposition councillors make claims following news over 24 ruling group members will not contest n...