Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Authorities set to trim law firm fees

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 September 2015

Local government spending on law firms and barristers has fallen by 10% in the last year, accordi...

BT poised to take legal action against council

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 September 2015

Cornwall Council is to face BT in the High Court over plans to end its controversial outsourcing ...

County and unitary may share a chief

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 September 2015

Cambridgeshire CC and Peterborough City Council could start sharing a chief executive when Mark L...

November Spending Review to hit budget schedules

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 September 2015

Town hall bosses in Wales and Scotland have criticised the timing of the forthcoming UK Spending ...

Districts call for economic development devolution

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 September 2015

Almost half (47%) of all borough councils want to see responsibility for economic development dev...

Council launches energy supply company

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 September 2015

Nottingham City Council has launched a not-for-profit local authority-owned energy supply company.

Transparency must be at heart of devolution

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 September 2015

The Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) has called on councils to put transparency at the heart of ...

Refugee crisis: Councils to get slice of foreign aid

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 September 2015

Councils will be given a slice of the foreign aid budget to help them house refugees from Syria a...

Burnley awards 10-year contract to Liberata

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 September 2015

Liberata is to start providing a range of services for Burnley BC next year after the council’s e...

Search on for Prince's Gate project partners

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 September 2015

Oldham MBC has started the search for a new partner to help transform the city centre and create ...