Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Two take on Bristol Arena management

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 December 2014

The UK’s largest arena operator SMG, in partnership with global entertainment company Live Nation...

Balfour rejects £1bn JLIF bid

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 December 2014

Balfour Beatty has rejected a £1bn offer for its investment portfolio as rivals Kier admits it is...

Back to work schemes short change authorities

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 December 2014

Councils are being short-changed by programmes to get people back into work, while Whitehall reap...

PUSH is on to change regs of CA boundaries

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 December 2014

Local authority bosses have called for a change in the rules around combined authority boundaries.

Ex-minister calls for scrapping of quango

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 December 2014

A Conservative MP will today call for the Planning Inspectorate to be scrapped to help protect vi...

CQC: Care services must be willing to embrace complaints

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 December 2014

Social care services must be willing to embrace complaints in order to improve the quality of the...

Murphy calls for Scottish devo max

By Jamie Hailstone | 05 December 2014

The Scottish Labour Party leadership candidate Jim Murphy has called for more powers to be transf...

Councils are footing academies bill, says LGA

By Jamie Hailstone | 05 December 2014

Councils have been left to foot the mulit-million pound costs of schools converting to academy st...

Authority inches towards housebuilding deal

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 December 2014

Members of Basildon DC will meet tonight to finalise its plans to form their own house-building c...

Waste contractor pre-tax profits fall 10%

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 December 2014

The parent company of waste management contractor Viridor has announced a fall in pre-tax profits...