Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

Conservatives win back leadership of the LGA

By MJ reporter | 13 May 2015

The Conservatives have regained the leadership of the Local Government Association after a shock ...

'Prioritise devolution agenda' MPs to be told

By MJ reporter | 13 May 2015

The leaders of the Core Cities group have urged all MPs to ensure the devolution agenda remains a...

First council tax referendum ends in defeat

By MJ reporter | 12 May 2015

Bedfordshire’s police and crime commissioner has insisted a referendum was ‘right to do’ after re...

Work scheme firm A4E purchased for £34m by Staffline

By MJ reporter | 06 May 2015

The welfare-to-work company A4E has been bought by the outsourcing and training company Staffline...

Half of councils not able to meet elderly care needs

By MJ reporter | 06 May 2015

A private nursing agency has warned almost half of all councils are unable to meet demands for e...

CC to pay £55k for ex-chief and Cleddau Bridge

By MJ reporter | 06 May 2015

A watchdog’s investigation into a former chief executive’s pay off and a disagreement over the ac...

Co-owned bank makes its first profit of £4.1m

By MJ reporter | 06 May 2015

A bank that is co-owned by the Cambridgeshire Local Government Pension Fund has gone into profit ...

Authorities publish members' interest under new transparency rules

By MJ reporter | 06 May 2015

New requirements for town and community councils in Wales to be more transparent have come into f...

Council procurement bosses 'not up to the job'

By MJ reporter | 06 May 2015

Many council procurement bosses are not up to the job, according to a new survey of fleet vehicle...

Core Cities to launch devolution declaration

By MJ reporter | 06 May 2015

The Core Cities cabinet will launch a Devolution Declaration next week to encourage the next gove...