Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Officials forced to clarify tax referendum scenario

By Jonathan Werran | 15 February 2012

Finance experts at Eland House write to local authority chief executives for clarification on cou...

Welsh councils set for record low tax rises

By Jonathan Werran | 15 February 2012

Only three councils in Wales have frozen council tax levels, but average rises of 2.1% set to be ...

ICO issues huge fines after data violations

By Jonathan Werran | 15 February 2012

Croydon LBC and Norfolk CC have been fined a total of £180,000 by the Information Commissioner’s ...

LGA's 'open door' to police commissioners

By Jonathan Werran | 15 February 2012

The LGA has offered to share its knowledge and assets with the 41 planned directly-elected police...

BME workers face brunt of London's job cuts

By Jonathan Werran | 09 February 2012

Black and minority ethnic staff at councils across London are being hit disproportionately by job...

Exclusive:Leicester plans sell-off amid care home fears

By Jonathan Werran | 09 February 2012

Leicester City Council's proposal to sell off its care homes follows serious concerns raised by i...

Mayoral thumbs-up for Liverpool 'city deal'

By Jonathan Werran | 08 February 2012

Liverpool City Council welcomes 'city deal' brokered with ministers transferring economic and hou...

Tackle low morale, expert tells DCLG

By Jonathan Werran | 08 February 2012

According to a renowned workplace psychologist, Sir Bob Kerslake and senior Eland House directors...

The complexity of the civil service

By Jonathan Werran | 08 February 2012

Civil service pensions are entering a period of almost Byzantine complexity, says Jonathan Werran.

The problems with the Health and Social Care Bill

By Jonathan Werran | 08 February 2012

Jonathan Werran looks at the problems the Health and Social Care Bill would bring to the NHS.