LGA chief executive John Ransford has defended council bosses' use of personal expenses as 'part ...
Public sector bodies in Wales may shed as many as 21,000 jobs over four years in balancing 'unpre...
Information Commissioner urges local authorities to be subject to data protection audits.
Failure to embrace risk may destroy opportunities to win community involvement in running local s...
Ministers propose that £900m savings should come from a combination of increased contributions an...
Anonymous complaint made to Brussels - alleging Newham Council's loan to West Ham FC may breach E...
Unison begins to ballot its 1.1 million members on joining co-ordinated strike action against cha...
Ministers say that the £900m savings Treasury is seeking from the LGPS should come from increased...
Wiltshire Council becomes the first major local authority to run without a chief executive.
Councils secure multi-billion EU structural funds over the next seven years, allaying concerns th...
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