Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

£5bn welfare to work programme at risk of financial collapse, warns SMF

By Jonathan Werran | 22 August 2011

Unattainable performance targets set by the Department of Work and Pensions threaten the Governme...

Second wave of Enterprise Zones announced

By Jonathan Werran | 22 August 2011

Ministers have announced the second wave of eleven Enterprise Zones, which they hope will create ...

Councils to gain from roadwork charging plans

By Jonathan Werran | 22 August 2011

Transport ministers have proposed giving councils powers to charge utility companies for digging ...

Councils offered new software framework

By Jonathan Werran | 22 August 2011

Government Procurement Services is offering councils a sector specific software framework support...

David Miliband to head ACEVO youth unemployment taskforce

By Jonathan Werran | 19 August 2011

David Miliband has agreed to chair a commission on youth unemployment set up by ACEVO.

Visitor boost and £100m investment for coastal towns

By Jonathan Werran | 19 August 2011

Findings produced today show resorts have seen a fifth more visitors make overnight stays.

PFI 'extremely inefficient' in a post-credit crunch era , MPs claim

By Jonathan Werran | 19 August 2011

Whitehall’s addiction to off-balance PFI schemes to fund capital projects must end, an influentia...

Mayor's LEP inaction blamed for Lewisham and Hackney oversight

By Jonathan Werran | 18 August 2011

Slow progress with capital's enterprise partnership harming vulnerable boroughs, claims TGLP boss...

Female staff bear brunt of public sector jobs cull

By Jonathan Werran | 18 August 2011

Female employees, are bearing the brunt of cross-government redundancies,official figures signal.

Castlebeck to close third care home

By Jonathan Werran | 18 August 2011

Troubled care provider Castlebeck will close its third home, ahead of CQC legal action.