My Civil Service Pension staff have gone on strike today in protest at plans to transform it into...
Chief secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander has warned unions the Government will not change...
Government plans to transform public service delivery will be published ahead of Parliament recess.
Francis Maude has appealed to 750,000 staff not to go on strike while talks are ongoing.
Council staff are more likely to face bullying than any other work sector, a survey commissioned ...
Staff responsible for administering the pensions of 1.5 million serving and retired civil servant...
The Treasury’s ‘inadequate’ monitoring of trading in PFI debt has allowed banks and builders to r...
David Cameron will today outline wholesale changes to the health and social care Bill.
Ministers are considering a softening up of plans to impose an annual £26,000 benefits cap on hou...
Unions will know by Wednesday if up to 750,000 teachers, civil servants and other staff have give...
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