Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

London BIDs in plea to save 340,000 high street jobs

By Jonathan Werran | 12 March 2015

Up to 340,000 jobs could be lost from London’s high streets because of government planning reform...

Pressure mounts on Soulsby over Leicester children services' botch up

By Jonathan Werran | 12 March 2015

Local political pressure is ramping up in Leicester to discover the possible impact to vulnerable...

Scottish Government rails at 'limited' fiscal devolution powers

By Jonathan Werran | 11 March 2015

Senior Scottish ministers have hit out against the ‘limited powers’ of fiscal devolution promised...

Deprived councils took biggest spending hit, JRF report shows

By Jonathan Werran | 10 March 2015

Local government budget cuts - which saw the sector’s spending power diminished by more than a qu...

No way out?

By Jonathan Werran | 10 March 2015

With the pre-election Budget looming, public finance economists last week detailed the impact of ...

Pickles hails troubled families 'triumph'

By Jonathan Werran | 10 March 2015

Nearly nine-out-of ten of the 117,910 chaotic households in England targeted for intervention und...

Children's complaints system 'creaking' under pressure, ombudsman reports

By Jonathan Werran | 10 March 2015

A ‘creaking’ system for redressing complaints over children’s services could be overhauled to foc...

Sharkey jumps to Milton Keynes

By Jonathan Werran | 09 March 2015

Worcester City Council managing director Duncan Sharkey is to leave his post to become corporate ...

Soulsby wields axe after Leicester children's services 'botch up'

By Jonathan Werran | 09 March 2015

Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby has taken over control of children’s and school’s services in t...

Balls: central government funding to councils would end under Osborne plans

By Jonathan Werran | 09 March 2015

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls today claimed local government service budgets ‘would barely exist’ an...