Anyone expecting a new ‘golden age’ of local government should remember the Government knows of n...
George Jones and John Stewart suggest there will be major conflicts unless the Government clearly...
Government plans to impose mayoral referendums have not been thought out properly, say George Jon...
Not all bureaucracy is bad. Really effective public services depend on efficient back-room staff,...
George Jones and John Stewart find the latest review of council finance is too narrowly focused.
MPs should take a closer look at legislation which will hand powers to elected mayors and unelect...
A new constitutional settlement is needed to overcome the command and control attitudes of centra...
Following David Walker’s article last week, George Jones and John Stewart argue that the Audit Co...
Despite its name, centralism reigns in the Localism Bill, with ministers believing local authorit...
The Government is still determined to impose directly-elected mayor models on the largest city au...
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