Author Profile

Bob Neill

Articles by Bob Neill

Design for living

By Bob Neill | 10 April 2013

Bob Neill says the NPPF is starting to remove clutter and give people a document to make planning...

Councils need the wealth creators

By Bob Neill | 12 March 2013

A competitive business environment is the only way to create the wealth to fund local services, s...

Taking responsibility for standards

By Bob Neill | 06 February 2013

Standards matter, but Bob Neill believes it is the mindset, and not structures and processes, whi...

The gift of Christmas present

By Bob Neill | 12 December 2012

Bob Neill urges urges local government to stay positive and creative ahead of finance settlement.

Let's do our share

By Bob Neill | 20 November 2012

Collaborative working is the way forward, says Bob Neill.

In praise of Eric

By Bob Neill | 17 October 2012

Bob Neill claims his former boss, communities secretary Eric Pickles, has brought central and loc...

Honesty is the best policy

By Bob Neill | 15 August 2012

Local government minister Bob Neill looks at the changes which have been made on the new standard...

Localising rates will help local economies

By Bob Neill | 15 February 2012

Local government minister Bob Neill says there are too many myths around plans to give councils b...

Facing up to the pensions challenge

By Bob Neill | 30 June 2011

Reform of the local government pension scheme is essential and overdue, but it also has to be bot...