Author Profile

Bob Neill

Articles by Bob Neill

Look for a winning hand

By Bob Neill | 16 February 2016

Bob Neill MP examines the pros and cons of a Brexit and why local authorities must play a greater...

Adapting to the reforms

By Bob Neill | 08 December 2015

Being proactive will help local government be in a better place in five years’ time, writes Bob N...

Time to get Britain building

By Bob Neill | 30 October 2015

Planning, procurement and construction all need to be correctly aligned before the housing revolu...

Get on your marks for major change

By Bob Neill | 16 September 2015

Bob Neill MP is excited about how devolution is shaping up but argues that local authorities have...

Kickstarting the housing revolution

By Bob Neill | 27 July 2015

Bob Neill spells out how the Government can deliver on its promise to kickstart the housing revol...

Why it's good to keep it local

By Bob Neill | 05 May 2015

Bob Neill argues that after the elections the case for devolving power within England must be kep...

A good record to build on

By Bob Neill | 24 March 2015

Bob Neill argues that the Government should be allowed to finish the job it started.

Decentralised peace

By Bob Neill | 10 February 2015

The case for more devolution to local government has a community cohesion aspect to it, as well a...

Slow but steady wins the day

By Bob Neill | 18 November 2014

Incremental change and ‘subsidiarity’ should be the way forward for English devolution, argues Bo...

Now the heavy lifting has been done

By Bob Neill | 25 June 2014

Local government should use the next 11 months before the next general election to consolidate, w...