Author Profile

Bob Neill

Articles by Bob Neill

A borough under scrutiny

By Bob Neill | 16 April 2014

Tower Hamlets is making the headlines – for all the wrong reasons – and risks bringing local gove...

What's the best policy?

By Bob Neill | 05 February 2014

As election season slowly draws closer, Bob Neill looks at how the planning and financing of loca...

Stop passing the buck

By Bob Neill | 12 December 2013

Bob Neill takes inspiration from Dickens to describe the blight of timid managerialism afflicting...

Protecting the public purse

By Bob Neill | 06 November 2013

The Local Audit and Accountability Bill pulls together many localist strands and may also demonst...

Beyond the veil

By Bob Neill | 03 October 2013

In light of recent controversies on the wearing of burqas and niqabs, Bob Neill feels local gover...

Break out of the silo

By Bob Neill | 21 August 2013

A ‘can-do’ attitude is what’s needed. As Bob Neill relates, the best-performing councils are thos...

Facing the facts on welfare

By Bob Neill | 24 July 2013

With the household benefit cap in full swing, Bob Neill looks at the benefits to be drawn on refo...

The house that promises built

By Bob Neill | 26 June 2013

Bob Neill is taking Labour's newly-announced spending proposals with a pinch of salt.

Common sense returns

By Bob Neill | 22 May 2013

Voters want faster results for 'big ticket items' like getting the economy back on track, paying ...

Design for living

By Bob Neill | 10 April 2013

Bob Neill says the NPPF is starting to remove clutter and give people a document to make planning...