Author Profile

Gordon McFarlane

Articles by Gordon McFarlane

Six observations from my time as PPMA president

By Gordon McFarlane | 15 March 2024

Against a challenging backdrop for public services, PPMA president Gordon McFarlane sets out six ...

Why prioritising EDI is business-critical

By Gordon McFarlane | 20 November 2023

If we want the benefits of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) it has to be worked on as a pr...

Is equal pay really local government's ticking time bomb?

By Gordon McFarlane | 18 October 2023

With equal pay under increasing scrutiny, Gordon McFarlane outlines the best practice the sector ...

Six ways to lead people in a changing political environment

By Gordon McFarlane | 11 September 2023

Gordon McFarlane sets out an approach to help council workforces build the skills needed to navig...

Greater Manchester unites around shared workforce goals

By Gordon McFarlane | 11 July 2023

A roundtable event has identified six opportunities in Greater Manchester to create joint solutio...

Positive steps for the workforce of the future

By Gordon McFarlane | 20 June 2023

Gordon McFarlane sets out six guiding principles of an effective menopause support programme.

Keeping pace and capitalising on opportunities

By Gordon McFarlane | 30 May 2023

Gordon McFarlane sets out the main messages that emerged from this year’s PPMA conference, includ...

Five priorities to solve the workforce crisis

By Gordon McFarlane | 18 April 2023

Gordon McFarlane sets out five ways to address the capacity and skills gap in local government, a...

Supporting effective hybrid working

By Gordon McFarlane | 07 March 2023

Gordon McFarlane sets out five design principles to help ensure hybrid working can deliver effect...

How to solve the talent crisis

By Gordon McFarlane | 08 February 2023

Gordon McFarlane says this is one of the most challenging workforce environments the sector has e...