Author Profile

Gordon McFarlane

Articles by Gordon McFarlane

Is the local government workforce crisis fixable?

By Gordon McFarlane | 20 December 2022

Already at crunch point, the council workforce capacity gap is set to widen, says Gordon McFarlan...

How to win the war to attract talent

By Gordon McFarlane | 19 October 2022

In the context of a tough public sector recruitment market and the cost of living crisis, Gordon ...

How to avoid a winter of discontent

By Gordon McFarlane | 29 August 2022

From the cost of living crisis to a white-hot recruitment market, HR teams have a key role to pla...

Recruitment solutions for testing times

By Gordon McFarlane | 26 July 2022

Councils must get better at marketing themselves as local employers and organisational culture is...

Tackling skills shortages

By Gordon McFarlane | 25 May 2022

It’s a candidate’s market, says Gordon McFarlane who argues that local government must also focus...