Mr Pickles has reiterated that the fast-tracked 'general power of competence' allows local author...
Leading children's charity urges local authorities to invest in early intervention programmes for...
Local government minister, Bob Neill, has told councils freezing council tax is 'an act of public...
Wales Audit Office reports 'substantial barriers' preventing Welsh councils from significantly im...
Leader of Leicestershire CC faces a meeting over his future today, after an internal investigatio...
The leader of Leicestershire County Council, Cllr David Parsons, appears to have survived a cruci...
A Muslim Conservative councillor has said that 'religion has no place in politics' and backed tod...
Eric Pickles today invited seaside towns to bid for a share of a £24m fund designed to kick-start...
Leicester City Council's proposal to sell off its care homes follows serious concerns raised by i...
Parliament’s spending watchdog, the public accounts committee (PAC), has warned that poor-quality...
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