Author Profile

Cllr Judith Blake

Articles by Cllr Judith Blake

Putting the power into place

By Cllr Georgia Gould | 22 February 2021

The past year has highlighted inequalities and exposed the inadequacy of centralisation while cou...

We desperately need to bring back culture to our cities

By Cllr Judith Blake | 15 December 2020

Culture is a key ingredient in the overall mix that attracts people to our city centres, says Cll...

COVID continues to threaten our statutory obligations to our communities

By Cllr Judith Blake | 21 October 2020

If Government enforces Tier 3 then it must be prepared to support local councils to protect the ...

Five compelling reasons why HS2East must be given same priority as HS2West

By Cllr Judith Blake | 08 June 2020

It is vital that the Government’s Integrated Rail Plan for the Midlands and the North states cate...

OECD will say our over-centralised system holds places back

By Cllr Judith Blake | 14 January 2020

Core Cities has commissioned the OECD to put together a new and radical report into putting in pl...

Deliver HS2 'in full'

By Cllr Judith Blake | 04 September 2019

Cllr Judith Blake says HS2 must be delivered in full 'and that it is key to rebalancing our natio...

Local transport bodies need greater freedoms

By Cllr Judith Blake | 10 July 2018

Local economies suffer due to transport disruption. Cllr Judith Blake explains what cities need i...

Breaking the cycle and boosting communities

By Cllr Judith Blake | 22 March 2017

Cllr Judith Blake argues for place-based budgeting to break down barriers between economic and so...

The shared society must be routed in communities

By Cllr Judith Blake | 01 February 2017

The prime minister's vision for a better, fairer Britain must begin in local communities, writes ...

Cities working for change

By Cllr Judith Blake | 12 October 2016

There are no quick fixes to issues like growth and productivity but cities are united in finding ...