Trade unions should embrace new arrangements for 'town hall pilgrims', argues Harry Phibbs.
Harry Phibbs looks at the problems that could arise if housing development took place withi the g...
Harry Phibbs says some councils have not grasped the idea of localism.
Harry Phibbs says having an idealogical mind-set would be extremely helpful for local government.
Right to buy is about more than votes and money says Harry Phibbs.
Harry Phibbs says local authorities shouldn't need central government to streamline procurement r...
Harry Phibbs says the welfare state is a prime candidate for localism.
Poor school performance is not always connected with poverty says Harry Phibbs.
Harry Phibbs says local discretion is the only answer to tackling the decline of the high street.
We need to address the issue of empty homes says Harry Phibbs.
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