The UK needs to properly consider climate risks to avoid ‘catastrophic’ incidents such as future ...
Cheshire East Council’s interim executive director of children’s services has revealed that the N...
Manchester City Council’s incoming chief executive has warned of the potential ‘distraction’ of p...
Salford’s Labour mayor suggests pooling of sector reserves after fears emerge over proposals to o...
The Government’s latest policy statement signals its intent to address the sector’s funding imbal...
Local government’s response to Labour’s funding policy statement has revealed clear splits on how...
The Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) has questioned whether Thurrock Council’s ‘ma...
As Thurrock Council fights to get its finances back in order it has filed a High Court claim agai...
Woking BC has contacted the police after an auditor’s report found officers failure to ensure its...
Woking BC’s commissioners have revealed its ‘spiral of debt’ has reached £2.1bn and further inter...
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