Author Profile

Martin Horton

Articles by Martin Horton

It's all about the money

By Martin Horton | 24 July 2013

In the commercial world, the prime mover is profitability. Specialisation and investment in highe...

Mind the gap

By Martin Horton | 17 April 2013

Managing change involves closing the gap between how you plan for things to be and how they curre...

Saving cash requires real leadership

By Martin Horton | 09 January 2013

Martin Horton champions 'leadership' courses, an area Eric Pickles has targeted for cuts.

The use of emotional intelligence

By Martin Horton | 04 October 2012

Martin Horton shares his views on the recent 'pedestriangate'which involved the chief whip Andrew...

Breaking up the big banks

By Martin Horton | 11 July 2012

Martin Horton looks at the various aspects of the arguments to break up the big banks.

Pulling back the curtains of the Leveson Inquiry

By Martin Horton | 13 June 2012

Martin Horton says transparency is a good thing, and the public would like to see something a lit...

Learning from change in the private sector

By Martin Horton | 19 April 2012

The principles of taking action, seeing what happens and learning from the result should be more ...

Think about the present

By Martin Horton | 21 March 2012

Stop worrying about the past and the future says Martin Horton.

The pay and reward system in the public sector

By Martin Horton | 23 February 2012

It didn't take long for the furore over banker bonuses to turn attention to pay and reward system...

Why do governments continue to waste money?

By Martin Horton | 18 January 2012

Martin Horton provides some answers…