Jo Roney, who worked with Lord Bob Kerslake, pays tribute to his host of accomplishments and his ...
Solace has been working hard behind the scenes to extend its reach across Government and offer un...
Joanne Roney looks at how collaboration between Metro Mayors and local authorities is focusing on...
Joanne Roney says it is ‘high time’ the Government responded to the recommendations in the 2019 C...
Dealing with COVID-19 is ‘an incredibly tough challenge’ for council leadership, says Joanne Rone...
Joanne Roney says that while addressing past failures is ‘very necessary’, we must not lose sight...
Leaders need to help people be true to themselves at work, and difference needs to be seen as a s...
Joanne Roney says she intends to ensure Solace provides accessible and self-managed development o...
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