Councils threaten legal action over Heathrow decision

Four councils have threatened to launch legal action against the Government unless it withdraws support for the expansion of Heathrow airport.

Four councils have threatened to launch legal action against the Government unless it withdraws support for the expansion of Heathrow airport.

Hillingdon and Wandsworth LBCs have joined Richmond upon Thames and Windsor & Maidenhead RLBCs in writing to the transport secretary Chris Grayling demanding he changes his decision to back a third runway or they will launch a judicial review.

The councils, in partnership with charity Greenpeace and a Hillingdon resident, argue that the Government's approach to air quality and noise is unlawful.

Wandsworth leader, Ravi Govindia, said: ‘Heathrow expansion is incompatible with environmental legislation and the process leading up to this decision has been deeply flawed. 

‘Ministers have not listened to our warnings so we have no choice but to take legal action.'

Windsor and Maidenhead leader, Simon Dudley, added: ‘We will hold government to account for its decisions and protect our residents from such decisions should they prove to be unlawful.'


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