Ditching the generational divide for a future-proof local government

Are we ready to slay the generational divide and create a truly future-proof local government, asks Michelle O’Neill

© Mmnutt Ztudio/

© Mmnutt Ztudio/

We're going forward to 2040 again, join me… A holographic AI assistant greets citizens at your council's virtual help desk. In the background, a Gen Alpha data scientist is teaching a seasoned Boomer colleague how to navigate the latest neural interface for community engagement. Meanwhile, a Gen X manager and her Millennial deputy are fine-tuning a draft Alpha climate resilience strategy using predictive analytics and their decades of local knowledge.

 That may be a little far-fetched...but we're in the realms of possibility now.

 Let's cut to the chase: local government is on the brink of its most radical transformation. The thick end of the complexity wedge. Right at the heart of that transformation is a significant shift in the age demographic of our collective workforce as we commonly face almost half our workforce being over the age of 45. So, as we barrel towards a future where Gen Alpha enters the workforce and the last of the Baby Boomers contemplate retirement, we're not just facing a changing of the guard – we're staring down a revolution in how public services are conceived, delivered, and experienced.

 But here's the million-pound question that should be keeping every HR professional and senior leader awake at night: Are we ready to slay the generational divide and create a truly future-proof local government?

 If you're still clinging or tied to traditional hierarchies, rigid job descriptions, and one-size-fits-all HR policies, I hate to break it to you, but you're building a fortress in a world that demands a windmill. It's time for a serious glow-up. #buildawindmill

 It's the time to harness the unique strengths and different thinking of each and every one of your workforce to create a public sector powerhouse that's agile, innovative, and deeply connected to the communities it serves.

 Are you ready to:

  • Swap your org chart for a flexible skills matrix?
  • Trade annual reviews for AI-powered continuous feedback loops?
  • Replace traditional training with immersive VR learning experiences?
  • Introduce reciprocal mentoring programs which unite digital natives and seasoned veterans?
  • Introduce 'cultural competence' as a core skill in job evaluations and professional development plans
  • Establish 'innovation hubs' where cross-generational, diverse teams tackle complex community challenges
  • Offer 'choose your own adventure' career paths that allow for non-linear progression and skill development
  • Use gamification techniques to engage staff in continuous learning and development


The possibilities are endless.

 But getting real for just a second, realistically we need to hold onto our org charts for a little while longer. We all know achieving this vision will be set in the backdrop of our tried, tested and relied upon HR systems. Whilst we're asking you to dream of flexible skill matrixes and 'choose your own adventure' career paths, your job evaluation schemes and pay structures are still partying like it's 1999 - all hierarchy and standardized roles.

 To make this stuff a reality, it's time to face the music. We need to revolutionize the HR foundations. We're not talking about a quick paint job here – we will need to rebuild how we value, reward, and nurture talent in our brave new public sector world. The million-pound question isn't just how to envision this dynamic future, it's how to unpick and re-model the very structures that have defined 'fairness' and 'progression' since the days of fax machines. That's massive and not something that happens overnight, but together we can start figuring it out…who's in on this convo?

The future of local government is calling, and it's not using a landline! It's time to answer with boldness, creativity, and a willingness to reimagine everything we thought we knew about public service.

 This glow-up needs you to kick down those walls and start to #buildawindmill


Michelle O'Neill is principal consultant, leadership and OD, WM Employers



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