Local government reorganisation could lead to a sector brain drain, senior figures have warned.
Brighton & Hove City Council has made huge progress on inclusion, but the work isn’t finished yet...
Anj Popat highlights a national initiative committed to upskilling mid-career professionals from ...
Senior managers’ frustration when things are not happening and irritation with the whole system i...
Council chiefs have welcomed Government moves to give councils powers to suspend councillors foun...
Councils are focusing on hiring young skilled workers to solve their recruitment and retention pr...
HR must start planning to ensure it has the strategic OD and workforce capacity to deliver devolu...
Councils could get powers to suspend councillors found to have breached their code of conduct und...
The higher salaries on offer when government organisations relocate to areas in the North are dis...
Scottish council HR professionals meet next week for their annual conference against a backdrop o...
Matt Etherington looks at how local authorities have been tackling hybrid workspace challenges.
Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job
This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job
Enfield Council is looking for an exceptional Chief Executive to lead one of London’s most dynamic and diverse boroughs. Apply for this job
Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job
This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job
Enfield Council is looking for an exceptional Chief Executive to lead one of London’s most dynamic and diverse boroughs. Apply for this job