Driving ahead with a new cultural and tourism strategy

Great Yarmouth BC is finalising a new strategy aligning its tourism and cultural offers, says Sheila Oxtoby - and alongside this it is shaping a 'place story' to support promotion.

Great Yarmouth remains Norfolk's top coastal resort, with a growing visitor economy worth £625m annually. We have maintained our loyal traditional market, offering the classic family seaside experience, but to continue to grow we need to appeal to a wider range of visitors.

We are well placed to adapt thanks to a combination of fantastic assets. We now have luxury cruise liners docking in the Outer Harbour, bringing new visitors seeking broader experiences. The borough has a rich cultural heritage, including Roman forts, a medieval minster church, Market Place, England's second best preserved medieval town wall, and a Georgian quarter linked to the historic quayside.

Sheila Oxtoby

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