Most councils still providing normal waste collections, survey reveals

The majority of councils have been able to provide a normal waste and recycling collection service, a new survey has revealed.

The majority of councils have been able to provide a normal waste and recycling collection service, a new survey has revealed.

The Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) found 85% of councils are still able to provide a normal collection for general domestic waste.

Three-quarters of councils have also maintained their normal recycling services, the survey found.

‘This survey shows that most council-run general waste and recycling kerbside collection services are operating as normal, which is testament to the sterling work of refuse workers rising to the challenge during the coronavirus crisis,' said cllr David Renard, environment spokesman for the Local Government Association.

'Although there has been disruption to some waste collections, it's business as usual for the vast majority of councils as they continue to provide a key and visible service which residents and businesses rely on, while ensuring the safety of their workforces.'

Last week, the District Councils Network warned there will be a spike in household waste due to the lockdown.

Photo: Lukassek/Shutterstock.com


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