Time to review our history

Following the toppling of slave trader Edward Colston’s statue in Bristol, Kathy O'Leary explains how her council is reconsidering its historic monuments.

I see Stroud is in the news again,' read a text message from a friend. As I scrolled through the newspaper headlines, I looked for mention of the local indoor skatepark searching for a new home and sponsor, which has recently attracted national media interest due to the fantastic success of Team GB in the new Olympic sport of skateboarding and BMX freestyle.

The skatepark has had its temporary home in a leaky end-of-life industrial shed let by the council, but, along with other valued local enterprises we are working to support, is being displaced by the ambitious Brimscombe Port regeneration scheme involving the reinstatement of the canal basin and the creation of new homes, workspace and community facilities.

Kathy O'Leary

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