Rise in upheld ombudsman complaints

The proportion of complaints upheld by the Local Government Ombudsman has risen by 5%, according to the watchdog’s latest statistics.

The proportion of complaints upheld by the Local Government Ombudsman has risen by 5%, according to the watchdog's latest statistics.

According to the ombudsman's Annual Review of Local Government Complaints, 51% of investigations in 2015/16 were upheld, compared to 46% the previous year.

In total, the watchdog received 19,702 complaints and enquires about local authorities during the 12-month period, which was a similar number to the year before.

Ombudsman Dr Jane Martin, said: ‘While the number of complaints we receive is relatively small in comparison to the thousands of daily interactions between people and their councils each complaint represents a problem that could not be resolved locally.'

A spokesman for the Local Government Association said: ‘Local government remains one of the most trusted parts of the public sector. 

‘Public polling has shown that satisfaction with councils remains high.'


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