Today's CLG Select Committee report on devolution is spot on, says Heather Jameson, but shows jus...
Devolving power without fiscal devolution is ‘utterly nonsensical,’ a new House of Commons report...
Local government finance experts have briefed MPs on the potential impact of proposals to allow c...
As the sector moves towards a world of greater local powers, the Department for Communities and L...
We’ve all heard the old proverb that a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The Department for Communities and Local Government's (DCLG) permanent secretary has said she exp...
Concerns have been raised with a group of MPs about the lack of ‘independent comprehensive oversi...
Stripping councils of the right to boycott trade with organisations or countries on ethical groun...
The communities and local government (CLG) committee’s inquiry into controversial Lender Option B...
The impact of 100% business rates retention on English council finances will be examined in a new...
We are seeking to appoint a Director of Major Infrastructure Delivery who will help us to deliver Surrey County Council's place ambition. Apply for this job
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We are seeking to appoint a Director of Major Infrastructure Delivery who will help us to deliver Surrey County Council's place ambition. Apply for this job
Team Manager - CWD (CDC) Apply for this job
Senior Legal Officer -CYPF x 3 CDC Apply for this job