Surrey CC needs a masterful campaign

By Ben Page | 24 January 2017

Surrey CC's decision to hold a council tax referendum was a bold move, but will the odds are stac...


Leaders risk referendums to do the right thing

By Heather Jameson | 24 January 2017

With the announcement of two referendums in the past week, this local election day is set to be m...


White Van Man on . . . tourism tax

24 January 2017

Whenever I go abroad to Italy or France or whatever I always discover the hotel has whacked on an...


EXCLUSIVE: Lack of confidence in adult social care strategy exposed

By Dan Peters | 24 January 2017

The true scale of feeling across local government about the escalating social care crisis is reve...


Behind Surrey CC's 15% council tax rise proposal

By Cllr David Hodge | 23 January 2017

David Hodge explains why Conservative-led Surrey CC has no choice but to hold a referendum on a m...


Surrey CC confirms double-figure tax rise plan

By Sam Clayden | 19 January 2017

Conservative-led Surrey CC has confirmed it will be holding a referendum on whether to raise coun...


Scottish Labour pledges to invest in public services

By Mark Conrad | 10 January 2017

The Scottish Labour Party has launched its local government election campaign, pledging to invest...


Looming elections raise doubts over use of social care precept

By James Evison | 09 January 2017

A half-a-billion pound ‘black hole’ in adult social care budgets could be created because of loom...


Airport windfall helps council reduce cuts

By William Eichler | 04 January 2017

Extra revenue generated from Manchester City Council’s stake in the Manchester Airport Group has ...


May defends social care precept

By Laura Sharman | 21 December 2016

Theresa May has defended the decision to allow councils to increase council tax by 6% over the ne...