First-class flail

24 January 2018

The question over how much MPs splash out on first-class train travel constantly crops up in writ...


Former LEP chair accused of cover-up over deal

By Mark Conrad | 23 January 2018

MPs have accused an ex-local enterprise partnership (LEP) chairman of a ‘cover up’ after he refus...


The road ahead for the social care consultation

By Simon Bottery | 22 January 2018

The social care green paper has been mired by delay and controversy. Simon Bottery weighs up the ...


Kerslake: Localism Act not backed by resources

By Dan Peters | 22 January 2018

The Localism Act has not been backed up by the resources it needs, according to the civil servant...


Government pacifies rejected pilot bid areas

By Dan Peters | 19 January 2018

The Government has insisted there was nothing wrong with the unsuccessful business rates pilot bi...


Pot calling kettle black?

18 January 2018

The question over how much MPs splash out on first-class train travel constantly crops up in writ...


EXCLUSIVE: Finance settlement 'shambles' after provisional data wrong

By Dan Peters | 18 January 2018

The local government finance settlement has descended into a shambles after it emerged allocation...


London Councils maintains it wants 100% retention in face of government claim

By Hiba Mahamadi | 17 January 2018

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) belief that councils do not w...


We want an extension of the transitional grants

By Simon Edwards | 16 January 2018

Counties' core grants are set to drop double the rate of other council types, says Simon Edwards ...


Inspector arrives amid reorganisation pressure

By Mark Conrad | 16 January 2018

An independent inspector today began investigating Northamptonshire CC’s precarious finances amid...


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£55,056 - £61,824 plus benefits and relocation support

Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job

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Divisional Director of Adult Social Care -Transformation and Commissioning

£113,417 to £115,863

This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job

Torbay Council

Chief Executive

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Enfield Council is looking for an exceptional Chief Executive to lead one of London’s most dynamic and diverse boroughs. Apply for this job

Enfield London Borough Council


Senior Finance Business Partner

£55,056 - £61,824 plus benefits and relocation support

Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority

Divisional Director of Adult Social Care -Transformation and Commissioning

£113,417 to £115,863

This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job

Torbay Council

Chief Executive

£186,000 - £221,000

Enfield Council is looking for an exceptional Chief Executive to lead one of London’s most dynamic and diverse boroughs. Apply for this job

Enfield London Borough Council